Monday, March 3, 2008

This is our new lifestyle!

Steve, Sue (Weir's Wife), Anney, Sharla, Molly and Amydelle should probably be referred to as the SUPER SIX.

On Saturday, the six of us parked up near the World Forestry Center and did some pretend stretching in the parking lot. It was sprinkling a little, so we kept our jackets on for the run. And a few of us took our ipods on the run despite the wonderful companionship. We needed hats and gloves because it was a bit chilly.

We went 3.6 miles up and down through the mud following the Wildwood Trail to Creek Trail, then to Hemlock Trail. We walked the hills... but pretty much ran the rest, which makes us superstars! Check out the map... we might have to do this loop again... it was just so much fun.

My poor friend Molly had a terrible stomache virus, but she made it through the run without any runs, thanks to a little Imodium.

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