Sunday, February 24, 2008

This weekend I...

This weekend I tried my new gym, Ballys. I ran into Jeannie at the gym, and she warned me that it gets pretty busy on the weekdays. So my mind is not made up about it yet, but I really liked it. It had a whole set up just for ladies with weight equipment designed for the woman's body.
So I ran for 35 minutes at 4.5 non stop. I am trying to work on my endurance. Then I did the elliptical machine for 20 minutes because I like it. The next 30 minutes were spent on lifting weights and stretching.

I took the dogs on the trails in the back of the complex. We ran sprints throughout the trails. The dogs were really good at listening during runs which was a surprise; they aren't smart. (Mingus is on top covered in grass, and Heidy is below with with flower) They are special.
Princess Heidy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! Your dogs are soooooo cute!

We have to get together for some dog fun.

Excellent job on the workout and gym joining.