Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Good News and Bad News

Yah!  I finally got myself to the gym.  After running a SLOOOOOW 2 miles I have determined that I'm not all the way better, but it felt good to be back on the wagon. That's the good news.

The bad news is... when I got home I ate 2 pieces of pizza and a bowl of ice cream! Isn't that lame?  I made the mistake of buying ice cream when my throat was killing me... and now here I am still eating it.  Bowl by bowl.  So what if it's slow churned!  It's still freakin' ice cream!  Someone needs to stop me, seriously.

I'm considering going back on my anti-inflammatory crazy diet just to get my health back and be able to breathe again like a normal person.  Here's a pyramid on the this type of eating plan and I added a link (see the sidebar) to Dr. Weil's site which has some info about eating well and following this lifestyle change.

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